When you are purchasing commercial insurance, you are likely going to purchase general liability to protect you against accidents and property damage. That might not be giving you complete peace of mind.
At Red Rock Insurance, we know that you worry about the number of additional risks that your business could be exposed to. Call us to talk about the different types of commercial insurance that you may want to add to your portfolio.
Business Interruption Insurance
When your business sustains damage due to natural disaster, commercial insurance called business interruption insurance can provide some relief. After a significant loss, business interruption insurance will help you to pay bills, cover your payroll, and provide relief for additional expenses.
Product Liability Insurance
This kind of insurance will protect you in the event that you have a problem with a product. If one of your products creates a problem or a liability for someone else, the damages or legal costs could crumble you. Product liability insurance provides protection against the liabilities caused by a faulty product, or products that cause injury, illness, or property damage.
Cybersecurity Insurance
Today’s business world can fall prey to cyberattacks at any moment. A virus, malware, or ransomware attack could close your business doors for a minute, or forever.
It is natural to think that your business is too small for a hacker to want to reach, but that is not the case. Hackers and ransomware criminals are checking in on the small businesses today as much as they are targeting the big guys. They assume that you won’t have the coverage that a Fortune 500 would in the event of a cyber disaster.
Equipment Breakdown Insurance
If you have specialized equipment that you need for your business to run successfully, you may want to consider equipment breakdown insurance. This kind of insurance will cover a repair and a replacement in the event that your business shuts down due to some kind of equipment failure.
Get a Quote
There are enough things to worry about when you are running a business. Let us take some of the big concerns off of your mind. Call Red Rock Insurance today for a quote or to update your existing commercial insurance policy.