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Red Rock Insurance

2760 Lake Sahara Dr. Ste 100
Las Vegas, NV 89117

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Technology is Making Motorcycles Safer

The thrill, freedom, and unique experience of riding a motorcycle can be addictive. This is evident in the number of motorcycle owners and the numerous motorcycle organizations, clubs, and events in Las Vegas and across the country. However, riding also comes with safety concerns. That’s why so many motorcycle owners in the Las Vegas, NV, area rely on the professional and friendly team at Red Rock Insurance for all their motorcycle insurance needs.

Good News! Technology is Making Motorcycles Safer

Today, there are many encouraging developments in motorcycle safety, which is good news for motorcyclists everywhere. From adaptive headlights that improve visual acuity to tire sensors—because when you’re on two wheels, you can’t afford to lose one—technology is enabling many improvements.

Smart helmets, airbag systems, and other smart monitoring devices are also creating a safer riding experience and, hopefully, safer roads for everyone. Of course, none of these safety features can or will replace the value of the proper insurance, and that’s why it’s a good idea to work with reputable and proven agents for all your motorcycle insurance needs.

Get Motorcycle Insurance for Las Vegas, NV Area Riders

If you live in or around the Las Vegas, NV, area and have questions or need motorcycle insurance, we can help. Contact us to learn more and schedule an appointment for the coverage and protection you need, like your safety equipment, every time you ride at Red Rock Insurance today.

Three Motorcycle Insurance Coverages That Help Protect Against Damage

One of the most important protections that motorcycle insurance offers is protection against damage to your bike. Policies can protect against damage through a few different coverages. Here are three main ones.

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage generally covers the cost of repairing your motorcycle if you’re involved in a traffic accident, regardless of who is at fault. This type of coverage is especially important in the high-traffic areas around Las Vegas, NV, where the risk of accidents is higher. 

You can usually expect collision coverage to pay for repairs or the value of your bike at the time of the accident (whichever is less).

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage generally covers damages to your motorcycle that aren’t caused by a collision. This may include theft, vandalism, animals, natural disasters, and many other perils. Theft, hail, and other risks are significant if you’re in Las Vegas, NV.

Comprehensive coverage typically pays for repairs up to the value of your bike. We at Red Rock Insurance recommend that most bikers get this and collision coverage.

Gap Coverage

Gap coverage is critical for those who finance or lease their motorcycles. This coverage usually pays the difference between what your motorcycle is currently worth and the amount you still owe on it if it’s totaled or stolen. Without this protection, you could be personally on the hook for the difference between your bike’s value and what you owe.

Protect Your Bike

At Red Rock Insurance, our agents have helped many bikers insure their motorcycles. Contact us for help getting the right coverage for yours.

Will motorcycle insurance reimburse me for my bike’s theft?

Nevada is a fantastic place to own a motorcycle with its many wide open stretches of highway across the desert and mountain landscapes. Plus, Las Vegas, NV is home to many motorcycle conventions and events, making it an ideal place to ride. Unfortunately, Nevada for all its beauty and opportunities does come with its risks, including motorcycle theft. If you’ve fallen victim to such theft, you might be wondering whether your motorcycle insurance from Red Rock Insurance will help. Let’s take a look at that answer:

Will Motorcycle Insurance Reimburse Me for My Bike’s Theft?

The most important answer to this is that it will primarily depend upon whether you have only collision coverage or collision and comprehensive coverage. Collision insurance is mandated by law so as to protect others who might be insured in an accident. In contrast, comprehensive insurance is not mandated by law, but if your bike is being leased, your lender might mandate the purchase of comprehensive insurance. Comprehensive insurance protects in the event of non-collision incidents, including someone stealing your bike. So, if you have comprehensive insurance, yes! Your insurer will offer reimbursement.

However, how much you will be reimbursed will depend upon a couple of factors, including:

  • Deductible. As with many types of coverage, there will be a deductible for theft claims. This is the amount you will need to pay out of pocket before your insurer will step in. 
  • Actual Cash Value vs. Replacement Cost. Each insurance policy will list whether, in the event of a covered comprehensive claim, they will pay out the actual cash value (which takes into account depreciation costs) or if they will pay out the replacement cost, which translates to the funds needed to purchase a similar make, model, and year motorcycle.

Also, make sure to report the crime! Your insurance company will require a police report that lists your motorcycle’s VIN number and the theft incident before a claim can begin processing.

Contact Red Rock Insurance to Learn More

Interested in upgrading your motorcycle insurance policy? Give our team a call today! We’re proud to serve clients throughout the greater Las Vegas, NV area.

Three things to know about motorcycle insurance

Red Rock Insurance in Las Vegas, NV can offer you the coverage you require to meet your motorcycle insurance coverage needs. Motorcycle owners need to know a few important things about motorcycle coverage to make sure they’re meeting legal requirements and protecting themselves financially.

The following are three things to know about motorcycle insurance:

You need to add on collision and comprehensive coverage for complete coverage of damage to your bike

Motorcycle owners need to be aware of what they’re getting coverage for when they buy a policy. Buying a basic policy will only offer liability coverage. This will leave a motorcyclist having to pay out of pocket for damage to his or her bike.

To get full coverage for damage to your bike, you need to add both collision and comprehensive coverage to your policy. 

Liability coverage for motorcycle owners is required by law

Motorcycle owners in Nevada must purchase liability coverage for their motorcycles. They also must purchase enough liability coverage to meet the state’s requirements. 

In Nevada, motorcyclists must carry at least $25,000 in bodily injury coverage per person and $50,000 in bodily injury coverage per accident. 

Motorcycle insurance can offer coverage for medical payments resulting from an accident

Motorcyclists should know that their coverage won’t only cover the costs of expenses resulting from damage to property and vehicles. Motorcycle insurance coverage also offers coverage up to a certain amount for medical bills resulting from accidents that occur as a result of a motorcycle accident. 

Contact Us Today

Do you have questions about motorcycle insurance in Las Vegas, NV? We can answer all the questions you have and give you a quote on a policy at Red Rock Insurance. 

Three things to know about motorcycle insurance

Red Rock Insurance in Las Vegas, NV can offer you the coverage you require to meet your motorcycle insurance coverage needs. Motorcycle owners need to know a few important things about motorcycle coverage to make sure they’re meeting legal requirements and protecting themselves financially.

The following are three things to know about motorcycle insurance:

You need to add on collision and comprehensive coverage for complete coverage of damage to your bike

Motorcycle owners need to be aware of what they’re getting coverage for when they buy a policy. Buying a basic policy will only offer liability coverage. This will leave a motorcyclist having to pay out of pocket for damage to his or her bike.

To get full coverage for damage to your bike, you need to add both collision and comprehensive coverage to your policy. 

Liability coverage for motorcycle owners is required by law

Motorcycle owners in Nevada must purchase liability coverage for their motorcycles. They also must purchase enough liability coverage to meet the state’s requirements. 

In Nevada, motorcyclists must carry at least $25,000 in bodily injury coverage per person and $50,000 in bodily injury coverage per accident. 

Motorcycle insurance can offer coverage for medical payments resulting from an accident

Motorcyclists should know that their coverage won’t only cover the costs of expenses resulting from damage to property and vehicles. Motorcycle insurance coverage also offers coverage up to a certain amount for medical bills resulting from accidents that occur as a result of a motorcycle accident. 

Contact Us Today

Do you have questions about motorcycle insurance in Las Vegas, NV? We can answer all the questions you have and give you a quote on a policy at Red Rock Insurance. 

What Should You Know About Motorcycle Insurance?

Motorcycle insurance is the type of insurance that covers a motorcyclist and motorcycle in the event of a road accident or theft. Therefore, if you are a motorcycle owner, you should consider getting this type of insurance to protect your precious possession and yourself. Here is what you need to know and take into consideration if you are shopping for motorcycle insurance. 

What Does Standard Motorcycle Insurance Cover?

A standard policy covers a certain portion of the costs associated with the damage to a motorcycle. It will also provide compensation if a motorcycle owner causes harm to another person or their property, or if there are any legal fees that a motorcyclist has to pay. 

What Is Not Covered By Standard Motorcycle Insurance? 

Many motorcyclists do not know, but their motorcycle insurance will not cover modified motorcycles or motorcycles with custom details.

How Much Does Motorcycle Insurance Cost

There are certain factors that have an impact on the cost of motorcycle insurance. They are the age of a policyholder, driving record, type of coverage, type of the motorcycle (year, engine size, and model), security and safety measures, and some other factors.  

Red Rock Insurance – Insurance Company That You Can Trust

If you live in Las Vegas, NV or any other nearby town or area, and you are searching for insurance to protect your motorcycle, Red Rock Insurance is the company you should contact. Our agents have years of experience and knowledge to help you find a policy you need. Whether you are from Las Vegas, NV or any other nearby area, do not hesitate to contact us – we will get you the best policy. 

Partner Carriers

  • Advantage Auto
  • Badger Mutual
  • Mercury
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers